The Foundation for Community Development and Empowerment, FCDE, empowers communities to lead their own development by increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of local organizations. They help grassroots partners assess, envision and attain organizational growth to drive community change.

Why We Partner

FCDE’s work is deeply rooted in community-led sustainable development practices. Their collaborative and tailored approach enables their partners to enhance operations and deliver stronger programs in their communities. Our partnership with FCDE will focus on organizations that are on the threshold of making a bigger impact in climate resilience.

We share their values:

  • Local communities lead their own social and economic development.
  • Sustainability grows out of grassroots participation and inclusion.
  • Ensuring that women have a voice and equal access to community resources increases the likelihood of successful community development efforts.
  • Vulnerable individuals and groups facing social exclusion must be included in the community development process.
  • Involving youth in community development ensures deep roots that promote longevity.
  • Collaborations characterized by open sharing of knowledge and network connections achieve greater collective impact.


Through a co-funded initiative between Shockwave and the Confluence Institute, FCDE will identify, strengthen and network three locally led, high-potential organizations with proven approaches to increasing climate resilience in rural Ugandan communities. Unrestricted funding will enable them to strengthen, innovate and iterate locally-responsive climate resilience programs that increase impact within their communities and beyond.

Update and Next Steps (2022-2023)

We have increased our support of FCDE for 2023, which will build on efficiencies developed during our first round of support. They will continue funding three existing FCDE beneficiaries and develop relationships with three new locally-led climate resilience organizations.