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parent holding child
image courtesy Firelight


Firelight supports catalytic community-based organizations that are working with their own communities to build smart, sustainable, and potentially scalable solutions to the challenges faced by children and youth in eastern and southern Africa.

Firelight started by focusing on support for local community organizations and services for children orphaned by the HIV/AIDS crisis in sub-Saharan Africa, and as the crisis has changed, they shifted their mission to encompass a greater range of child-focused community services in general–including children’s rights, early education, child development, and the prevention of violence against children and adolescents.

Firelight does its work by supporting the capacity of catalytic African community-based organizations to thrive and work with their communities to solve their own problems.

Why We Partner

While they don’t specifically focus on climate resistance and adaptation, Firelight has developed an impressive model for working with local communities, supporting frontline populations, and empowering community-based organizations as the critical actors in long-term progress. With Firelight’s support, community-based organizations work with their own communities to find their own, sustainable solutions to the challenges and opportunities faced by communities–many of which are now being created or made worse by the climate crisis.


We are working together to strengthen community-based organizations in eastern and southern Africa and improve outcomes for children and youth.

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