Forward Global is a network of over 450 individuals committed to solving the world’s most pressing social issues. As the largest network of its kind, they engage people who seek to leverage their time, talent, resources and networks for sustainable impact.
They partner with every member to establish clear social impact goals, create a strategic road-map for network engagement and educational programs, and curate expert connections and resources.
Why We Partner
At Shockwave we focus on climate change adaptation and resiliency, but there are plenty of important social issues, some related to the climate crisis, and many we’ve never even considered. We value a diversity of priorities, education and experience when focusing on the worlds largest problems, and continue to learn as students and peers with the support of Forward Global learning opportunities.
Our mission is to scale impact, and our grants to Forward Global directly engage people focused on strategic action to make the world a better place. It’s not just climate, it moves the world towards a better future.
By educating, convening, and activating individuals who have time, talent, and treasure to give, we’re able to amplify impact not only in our own focus areas but across a broad spectrum.