Since 1992, Land is Life has built a trusted, global network of Indigenous communities, organizations, and leaders founded on the universal right to self-determination. They live for the day when indigenous peoples around the world are able to practice self-determination; when their human, economic, social, cultural, political and territorial rights are recognized and respected; when they are free to speak their languages, maintain their sacred traditions, and continue the work of caring for their ancestral homelands.

They provide direct support to grassroots Indigenous communities organizations and leaders, build and strengthen Indigenous networks and strategies, and ensure Indigenous peoples are included in policy making. All of their programs are designed by Indigenous peoples themselves. Decisions are made by consensus, arrived at through a process of open dialogue and mutual understanding amongst their partner organizations.

Why We Partner

During the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, Indigenous communities have largely been ignored by regional and national governments. We’ve partnered with Land is Life not only because they address the needs of underserved communities using a community-first equitable approach, they work to address the climate crisis by safeguarding the lands and natural resources of Indigenous groups.

During the COVID pandemic, Indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest have been forced to shelter in place. Land poachers have taken advantage of the situation and have been slashing and burning surrounding areas, exacerbating the climate crisis.

While this grant was an immediate “response grant” to blunt the effects of the current pandemic, and amplify the voices of people most affected by the climate crisis, we view Land is Life as a valuable long-term partner. The investments we’re making provide groundwork for building and sustaining community resiliency and help further the empowerment of Indigenous people to protect their ecosystems from environmental devastation.


On an immediate timeframe, we are supporting community resiliency in the face of the pandemic crisis by helping to fund PPE, sanitation and hygiene education and supplies.

On a long-term basis, we hope to learn more from Indigenous voices about their needs as well as practical and applicable solutions to building climate resilient communities.