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The Nature Conservancy: Africa Water Funds

— $400,000.00 — grants — agriculture, environment, land stewardship, water

The Nature Conservancy’s Resilient Watersheds strategy’s goal is to conserve freshwater ecosystems and help communities adapt to climate change by mainstreaming investments in nature-based solutions (NbS) in the water sector. They’re making investments in nature the norm by helping a critical mass of early adopters–utilities, regulators, financiers, corporations, and communities–to implement watershed investment programs in key markets.

CRS/Blue Harvest

— $400,000.00 — grants — agriculture, economic development, environment, equity, land stewardship, water

Blue Harvest, launched by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in partnership with Keurig Dr. Pepper and the Inter-American Development Bank, transforms livelihoods and restores land and water resources through Water Smart Agriculture (WSA) in the coffee lands of Central America. Blue Harvest capitalizes on the symbiotic relationship between well-managed coffee agroforestry systems and good watershed management to increase climate resilience, productivity, and profitability for farmers while reducing landslide and flooding risks and contributing to sustainable water access for communities downstream.

Water Initiative for Net Zero (WINZ)

— $75,000.00 — grants — climate change, environment, water

Water Initiative for Net Zero (WINZ) is an advocacy initiative that aims to mobilize investment to reduce and capture carbon emissions through improved water utilization, reduce water risks and promote win-win opportunities in carbon management, and advocate for climate action that enhances water resilience.

TPG Rise Funds

— $2,000,000.00 — investments — economic development, environment, climate change

The Rise Fund invests in companies driving measurable social and environmental impact alongside business performance and strong returns. With $4 billion under management, The Rise Fund platform works with growth-stage, high potential, mission-driven companies that have the power to change the world.

Horizon Environment and Climate Solutions

— $300,000.00 — investments — economic development, environment, energy

Horizon Environment and Climate solutions is a one billion dollar fund that will make approximate 16 growth equity investments into businesses that support one of five themes: “ecosystem services and water”; waste and materials; sustainable food and agriculture; sustainable transport; and clean energy.

change:WATER Labs

— $50,000.00 — investments — disaster prep, sanitation, environment

change:WATER Labs is developing a low-cost, compact, waterless toilet for non-sewered households and communities.

GSSG Solar Power

— $250,000.00 — investments — climate change, economic development, environment, energy

At its core, solar is a simple, predictable, and widely available source of energy. GSSG is committed to creating the world’s premier solar-only investment firm.