Water for People
Water For People (WFP) promotes developing high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments in 39 partner areas in Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Malawi, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. To date, they have supported 5.2 million people gaining access to an intermediate/high level of water services and market-based sanitation initiatives have led to 2.4 million people improving household sanitation.

+1:WASH fund
The pandemic has shed light on the fragility and inequality of our most foundational systems, while highlighting the innovation and resilience of locally-led, community-based organizations. To improve upon and ultimately change our failing systems for the better we must leverage this moment to support them in profoundly different ways. The +1:WASH initiative is an ambitious, collective effort to catalyze this change.

change:WATER Labs
change:WATER Labs is developing a low-cost, compact, waterless toilet for non-sewered households and communities.